I'm Emma, but some people call me Immy. I'm 29 and have been on a weightloss journey for nearly 2 y

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Im Emma, This is just my space where i can write about the things i enjoy and love. Fashion & Beauty & Food.

Monday, 5 May 2014

My Weight loss so far!

So since October last year I joined Weight watchers as it got to the point where I was starting to get worried about my weight and my family were mentioning to me that i have gained loads of weight! That really did hit home! While i was with my ex boyfriend i gained at least two stone, as i was comfortable in that relationship i did eat allot more and wasn't that bothered about what and how much i was eatting!

I wanted to do a blog post about my weight loss as i want it to inspire people to loose weight if there struggling to. 
Weight watchers is such a great system and you feel like such a sense of proudness when stepping on the scales and loosing your first ever pound!

So when i joined in October last year my weight came in at a MASSIVE 19 stone and 4 pounds!! Which i was shocked by and knew it was time to start doing something about it.

Weight watchers works by a points system and depending on your current weight and height will depend on how many daily points you are aloud. I was aloud 44 daily points. When you start to loose weight your point will get reduced.
When you join weight watchers you get given a pack with a folder and steps of how everything works, you also download an app on your phone to help you track everything your eatting and each thing you eat will come up with how many points it is, then will take it off your daily points.

Each week you go to your local weight watchers meeting and get weighed, my first week of being on weight watchers i lost 5 pounds!! Which i was sooo happy with!
Its very been really hard being on weight watchers i didnt really feel like i was on a diet, which is something i didnt want to feel.

So each week goes by and i loose 3 pounds one week 2 pounds another week, sometimes i stayed the same weight which i didnt mind as long as i didnt gain any weight i was happy. I did find it hard at home when we have cakes and chocolate in the house, but i found different treats for me to snack on. Curly Wurlys were on 3 points so would always have them, and Kelloggs rice crispy squares were also 3 points so would have them too! They were some of my sweet treats.

My current weight is now 15 stone and 7 pounds! So thats nearly 4 stone in 8 months!
Ive never been happier! I can see it my clothes now and around my tummy area! Its crazy, and anyone can do this! 
Heres a picture of my before and after for some inspiration!
Good luck for anyone who wants to loose weight as i know how hard it can be!
But if you want something so much i know you can do it!